What's new with Gerður


Afhjupun verksins „ Æska „ í Raggagarði Fjölskyldugarði Vestfjarða i Súðavik á Vestfjörðum.

Afhjupun verksins „Æska" í Raggagarði Fjölskyldugarði Vestfjarða i Súðavik á Vestfjörðum.

8. ágúst 2020.

Myndhöggvari Gerður Gunnarsdóttir.


Unveiling of the statue "Æska" (Youth) in Raggagarður, the Family park of the Vestfjords, in Súðavík.

8. of August 2020.

Sculptor Gerður Gunnarsdóttir.



Á 10 ára afmælis hátíð Raggagarðs ,Fjölskyldugarðs Vestfjarða við Súðavík á Vestfjörðum.

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Á 10 ára afmælis hátíð Raggagarðs ,Fjölskyldugarðs Vestfjarða  við Súðavík á Vestfjörðum , þann 8. ágúst 2015 voru afhjúpuð fimm steinverk eftir Gerði Gunnarsdóttur myndhöggvara, við  hátíðlega athöfn .Steinverk þessir eru flest höggvin í vestfirskt grjót  með hamri og meitli.Þau standa á stöplum og  bera  verkin heitin „Umhyggja“,  Dulheimar“, „Huliðsheimar  „Bergbúinn“ og „ tveir heimar.

On August 08 , 2015  five  sculptures ,by sculptor Gerður Gunnarsdottir, were unveiled  during  festivities a the 10 th. Anniversariy of“ Raggagardur Famiiy Park „ at Sudavik, Vestfirðir Iceland. The statutes are carved out of stone by mallet and chisel by hand.Most of the works are carved from stones collected in the mountains of the Westfjords. They are placed on five pillars. The works have Icelandic names.


Art Performance - Jónsmessugleði í Garðabæ 2015


The unveiling of a bust of Árni Vilhjálmsson 2013 (gallery)

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The unveiling of a bust by sculptor Gerður Gunnarsdóttir of Professor and Honorary Doctor Árni Vilhjálmsson at The University of Iceland in October 2013.

Fjölsótt málþing var haldið í hátíðarsal Háskóla Íslands í október 2013 til minningar um Árna Vilhjálmsson prófessor. i upphafi málþingsins afhjúpaði Ingibjörg Björnsdóttir, ekkja Árna, brjóstmynd af honum eftir Gerði Gunnarsdóttur myndhöggvara.



Art Performance - Jónsmessugleði í Garðabæ 2014 (gallery)


Art Performance - Jónsmessugleði í Garðabæ 2012 (gallery)


Art Performance - Jónsmessugleði í Garðabæ 2010 (gallery)


Summer Exhibition - Gardabaer, Iceland

Participated in Summer Exhibition Gardabaer Iceland , the 22 of April to 02 of May 2010 with 42 artist the name of the Exhibition was Childhood.



Tók þátt í sumarsýningu í Garðabæ 22 apríl til 02 maí 2010 með 42 listamönnum. Sýningin hét Bernska.




The School of Music in Gardabaer Iceland 

2009 the artist donated two Sculptures made in Stoneware to the School of Music in Gardabaer Iceland. The School has four other musicians in the same matreial from the Artist and was a gift from Gardabaer at the opening of the new School.



2009 gaf Gerður Gunnarsdóttir Tónlistaskóla Garðabæjar tvær höggmyndir úr steinleir sem eru í sama stíl og efni sem þær sem fyrir eru .En þær voru gjöf frá Garðabæ til Skólans þegar hann opnaði í þessarri nýju byggingu.




Gerður Gunnarsdóttir Excellence Sculpture Award Olympic 2008.

Gerður Gunnarsdóttir artist  was awarded an” Excellence Award “for a superior sculpture on the final evening of the 2008 Olympics Landscape Sculpture Design Contest in Beijing 31.may 2008.

The name of the sculpture is” To the Olympics – in Peace and Harmony “`

Artists from 90 countries participated in this competition.

The first stage of the project was to collect “ Landscape Sculptures “ from around the Globe, with the participation of 90 countries, 290 projects from the five continents were selected from a total  2.433.

The sculpture works were indentified, and then reproduced with the appropriate materials (Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Etc.) in order to be able to open several Exhibitions simultaneously. The aim of this was to promote the activities linked to the Olympic Games and strengthen cultural links, thus showing the world a new cultural image of China.

110  Sculptures were chosen from the 290 finalists to be part of the international tour and are documented in a beautiful publication:” Olympics and Sculpture “Catalog of works for the 2008 Olympic Landscape Sculpture International Tour Exhibition

The International Tour Exhibition was shown in many towns in Asia – Europe – Australia and America in Wellington, Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Macao, Hong Kong, Lausanne, Barcelona, Rom, London, Los Angeles, and Sacramento , Atlanta Chicago, New York, Washington.

The Awards Ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Landscape Sculpture Design Collection Contest was held on May 31 with 50 medal price winners.

Gerður Gunnarsdóttir was one of the winners with an excellence  award recognition , this was all to the Olympics 2008 and the Exhibitions had taken three years.

Gerður has other sculpture works in China, She made a 3 meters Bronze sculpture in Changchun. It is permanently in Changchun World Sculpture Park  and  two are in Qingdao, the Music Squer Garden and Qingdao Culture Center, one in Bao Ding and one in Beijing.